In light of this recent article on NPR, I find it especially important to do our part in recycling as much plastic as possible.
So, on and consider saving and recycling your bottle caps.
It was probably a year ago that I started saving bottle caps for a fundraiser. A friend was collecting them to fund a child's chemo treatment. The fundraiser finished, but I was unable to start throwing bottle caps away again. So, I continued to save them knowing I'd eventually come across another fundraiser or something.
Somewhere along the way I heard that Aveda (the beauty company) collects and recycles these bottle caps and turns them into their own shampoo/conditioner/beauty product bottles. I did an internet search and only came up with information about taking them to an Aveda store. I don't have an Aveda store, so I e-mailed them.
I was happy to get a prompt response telling me I can, in fact, send a box or bag full through the mail. Here's the response and the address:
Thank you for your interest in the “Recycle Caps with Aveda” Program. You may bring your caps in small amounts (1 shopping bag or 1 paper box) to any participating Aveda Experience Center (store) or send them in by mail to:Isn't this GREAT? Won't you get yourself a cute little container and collect these bottle caps? I'm telling you I've collected at least 5 paper lunch bags full over the past year. It makes me feel good that they're not in a landfill. It's not that hard to keep a little collection and mail them in maybe twice a year.ACA Waste Services
40 Eads Street
West Babylon, NY 11704
Caps included in this collection are any plastic “twist on” caps. Some examples are; water bottles, soda bottles, laundry detergent bottles, ketchup bottles, and shampoo/ conditioner bottles. Caps that are NOT included are any metal caps and any “snap fit” plastic caps. Some examples of snap fit caps are; margarine and cottage cheese caps. Thank you for your help with the “Recycle Caps with Aveda” Program.
Have a great day!
Kendra Fleischer
Aveda Cap Collection Program