This project has been on my to-do list since the beginning of the school year! I first saw
the idea on Blue Cricket Design and bookmarked it right away. Well, I guess I was a little late in getting to the store while all the crates were the hot item for college dorms, because by the time I got around to it I could not find ANY!
I saved a LOT of my girls' papers from pre-school. They are all just stored in accordion style folders. But for their "real" school years, I wanted to do this. I save fewer papers now. Just special art....their first math worksheets...first word-finds, etc.
First I decorated a hanging file folder scrapbook style:

I marked out the deets for the web), but I had my girls write their name, their teacher's name, and the school. I like having a record of their handwriting :-)

Then chose a nice ribbon and picked up their initial from Michael's.

And there you have a nice, consolidated means of keeping those precious school papers. It's's stackable....and it will be so nice to have it all together to pass on to them when they're older. Although, my girls say they're not leaving home when it's time for college. They're going to do it on-line from home.......that's FINE by me!!!